
CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き

  • 販売価格


  • 入札件数


  • 開始価格


  • 出品個数


  • 商品状態


  • 返品


  • 開始日時

    2024年5月16日 13:25

  • 終了日時

    2024年5月20日 20:23

  • 早期終了


  • 自動延長


  • あり

  • 出品者ID


  • 出品地域


  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_1
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_2
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_3
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_4
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_5
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_6
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_1
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_2
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_3
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_4
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_5
  • CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps) 、PWR-C1-715WAC-P*2付き_6
CISCO C9300-48UXM-A Catalyst 9300 48-port(12 mGig, 36 2.5Gbps)


Switch#sh clo
*02:53:34.292 UTC Thu Apr 18 2024
Switch#sh inv
NAME: "c93xx Stack", DESCR: "c93xx Stack"
PID: C9300-48UXM       , VID: V03  , SN: FOC2528LHR4

NAME: "Switch 1", DESCR: "C9300-48UXM"
PID: C9300-48UXM       , VID: V03  , SN: FOC2528LHR4

NAME: "Switch 1 - Power Supply A", DESCR: "Switch 1 - Power Supply A"
PID: PWR-C1-715WAC-P   , VID: V01  , SN: DCC2525C7LT

NAME: "Switch 1 - Power Supply B", DESCR: "Switch 1 - Power Supply B"
PID: PWR-C1-715WAC-P   , VID: V01  , SN: DCC2525C7K5

Switch#sh env a
Switch FAN Speed State
  1    1 13760   OK
  1    2 13760   OK
  1    3 13760   OK
FAN PS-1 is OK
FAN PS-2 is OK
Inlet Temperature Value: 31 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 46 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 56 Degree Celsius

Outlet Temperature Value: 42 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 105 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 125 Degree Celsius

Hotspot Temperature Value: 69 Degree Celsius
Temperature State: GREEN
Yellow Threshold : 105 Degree Celsius
Red Threshold    : 125 Degree Celsius
SW  PID                 Serial#     Status           Sys Pwr  PoE Pwr  Watts
--  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  -------  -------  -----
1A  PWR-C1-715WAC-P     DCC2525C7LT  OK              Good     Good     715 
1B  PWR-C1-715WAC-P     DCC2525C7K5  OK              Good     Good     715 

Switch#sh lice
Switch#sh license 
% Incomplete command.

Switch#sh license a u
Switch#sh license u a
Switch#sh license al
Smart Licensing Status

Smart Licensing is ENABLED

Export Authorization Key:
  Features Authorized:

  Status: DISABLED

Smart Licensing Using Policy:
  Status: ENABLED

Data Privacy:
  Sending Hostname: yes
    Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
  Version privacy: DISABLED

  Type: cslu
  Cslu address: <empty>
    Not Configured

  Custom Id: <empty>

  Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
  Reporting ACK required: yes (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 90 (CISCO default)
  Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)
  Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
    First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Reporting frequency (days): 0 (CISCO default)
    Report on change (days): 0 (CISCO default)

Usage Reporting:
  Last ACK received: <none>
  Next ACK deadline: Jul 17 02:45:52 2024 UTC
  Reporting push interval: 30  days
  Next ACK push check: <none>
  Next report push: Apr 18 02:47:52 2024 UTC
  Last report push: <none>
  Last report file write: <none>

Trust Code Installed: <none>

License Usage

network-advantage (C9300-48 Network Advantage):
  Description: C9300-48 Network Advantage
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: network-advantage
  Feature Description: C9300-48 Network Advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Perpetual

dna-advantage (C9300-48 DNA Advantage):
  Description: C9300-48 DNA Advantage
  Count: 1
  Version: 1.0
  Status: IN USE
  Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
  Feature Name: dna-advantage
  Feature Description: C9300-48 DNA Advantage
  Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
  License type: Subscription

Product Information

Agent Version
Smart Agent for Licensing: 5.0.9_rel/68

License Authorizations
Overall status:
  Active: PID:C9300-48UXM,SN:FOC2528LHR4
      Status: NOT INSTALLED

Purchased Licenses:
  No Purchase Information Available


Switch#sh ver
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.03.03
Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K_IOSXE), Version 17.3.3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc7)
Technical Support: https://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 04-Mar-21 12:32 by mcpre

Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2021 by cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.  Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are
licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0.  The
software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  You can redistribute and/or modify such
GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0.  For more details, see the
documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,
or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE

BOOTLDR: System Bootstrap, Version 17.3.2r, RELEASE SOFTWARE (P)

Switch uptime is 9 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 10 minutes
System returned to ROM by PowerOn at 00:57:38 BST Mon Sep 11 2023
System image file is "flash:packages.conf"
Last reload reason: PowerOn

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:

If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to

Technology Package License Information: 

Technology-package                                     Technology-package
Current                        Type                       Next reboot  
network-advantage    Smart License                  network-advantage   
dna-advantage        Subscription Smart License    dna-advantage                 
AIR License Level: AIR DNA Advantage
Next reload AIR license Level: AIR DNA Advantage

Smart Licensing Status: Registration Not Applicable/Not Applicable

cisco C9300-48UXM (X86) processor with 1331521K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FOC2528LHR4
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
36 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
20 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2 TwentyFive Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2 Forty Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2048K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8388608K bytes of physical memory.
1638400K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:.
11264000K bytes of Flash at flash:.

Base Ethernet MAC Address          : d0:e0:42:1e:88:00
Motherboard Assembly Number        : 73-18277-05
Motherboard Serial Number          : FOC25273UKJ
Model Revision Number              : A0
Motherboard Revision Number        : A0
Model Number                       : C9300-48UXM
System Serial Number               : FOC2528LHR4
CLEI Code Number                   : 

Switch Ports Model              SW Version        SW Image              Mode   
------ ----- -----              ----------        ----------            ----   
*    1 65    C9300-48UXM        17.03.03          CAT9K_IOSXE           INSTALL

Configuration register is 0x102

Switch#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 10540 bytes
! Last configuration change at 02:47:53 UTC Thu Apr 18 2024
version 17.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
! Call-home is enabled by Smart-Licensing.
service call-home
platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core
hostname Switch
vrf definition Mgmt-vrf
 address-family ipv4
 address-family ipv6
no aaa new-model
switch 1 provision c9300-48uxm
login on-success log
vtp domain mts
vtp mode transparent
no device-tracking logging theft
crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint
 enrollment pkcs12
 revocation-check crl
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1085170391
 enrollment selfsigned
 subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1085170391
 revocation-check none
 rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1085170391
crypto pki certificate chain SLA-TrustPoint
 certificate ca 01
  30820321 30820209 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 0B050030 
  32310E30 0C060355 040A1305 43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363 
  6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720 526F6F74 20434130 1E170D31 33303533 30313934 
  3834375A 170D3338 30353330 31393438 34375A30 32310E30 0C060355 040A1305 
  43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363 6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720 
  526F6F74 20434130 82012230 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000382 010F0030 
  82010A02 82010100 A6BCBD96 131E05F7 145EA72C 2CD686E6 17222EA1 F1EFF64D 
  CBB4C798 212AA147 C655D8D7 9471380D 8711441E 1AAF071A 9CAE6388 8A38E520 
  1C394D78 462EF239 C659F715 B98C0A59 5BBB5CBD 0CFEBEA3 700A8BF7 D8F256EE 
  4AA4E80D DB6FD1C9 60B1FD18 FFC69C96 6FA68957 A2617DE7 104FDC5F EA2956AC 
  7390A3EB 2B5436AD C847A2C5 DAB553EB 69A9A535 58E9F3E3 C0BD23CF 58BD7188 
  68E69491 20F320E7 948E71D7 AE3BCC84 F10684C7 4BC8E00F 539BA42B 42C68BB7 
  C7479096 B4CB2D62 EA2F505D C7B062A4 6811D95B E8250FC4 5D5D5FB8 8F27D191 
  C55F0D76 61F9A4CD 3D992327 A8BB03BD 4E6D7069 7CBADF8B DF5F4368 95135E44 
  DFC7C6CF 04DD7FD1 02030100 01A34230 40300E06 03551D0F 0101FF04 04030201 
  06300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301D 0603551D 0E041604 1449DC85 
  4B3D31E5 1B3E6A17 606AF333 3D3B4C73 E8300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 010B0500 
  03820101 00507F24 D3932A66 86025D9F E838AE5C 6D4DF6B0 49631C78 240DA905 
  604EDCDE FF4FED2B 77FC460E CD636FDB DD44681E 3A5673AB 9093D3B1 6C9E3D8B 
  D98987BF E40CBD9E 1AECA0C2 2189BB5C 8FA85686 CD98B646 5575B146 8DFC66A8 
  467A3DF4 4D565700 6ADF0F0D CF835015 3C04FF7C 21E878AC 11BA9CD2 55A9232C 
  7CA7B7E6 C1AF74F6 152E99B7 B1FCF9BB E973DE7F 5BDDEB86 C71E3B49 1765308B 
  5FB0DA06 B92AFE7F 494E8A9E 07B85737 F3A58BE1 1A48A229 C37C1E69 39F08678 
  80DDCD16 D6BACECA EEBC7CF9 8428787B 35202CDC 60E4616A B623CDBD 230E3AFB 
  418616A9 4093E049 4D10AB75 27E86F73 932E35B5 8862FDAE 0275156F 719BB2F0 
  D697DF7F 28
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1085170391
 certificate self-signed 01
  30820330 30820218 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030 
  31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274 
  69666963 6174652D 31303835 31373033 3931301E 170D3234 30343138 30323437 
  34335A17 0D333430 34313830 32343734 335A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649 
  4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D31 30383531 
  37303339 31308201 22300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01010500 0382010F 00308201 
  0A028201 0100C07C 2EA20BF6 9D23ABC9 780A9399 932FF7CC 551B04ED A7757CA7 
  64896692 41BBA765 517BD881 A7BC6B6B 3294DF2A 869693AE CDF1D812 C17C882B 
  7CB5C331 F823D49A EA77FC80 95349EA5 5D452FBE D8F34EF5 0109C4F8 08DDB8AC 
  1414A92F 4CEAA39E 87D588C9 41A1F700 C06606E9 1F2B095C 53FBF4FD 887276C1 
  5D77B60E 2437FD7D A54CE553 FD79BE5B 013D1608 08F0E5D7 11B2BF7C 26D2D011 
  9F0B6A16 4E35CCDF 1D4D8D77 9E85C1C1 1D41039A 9EA79CCA 2C04B743 2BFDFEDE 
  231F852C B80EF82A F54993C7 46C80448 8C28CC12 AE14113A A9B58EFC BCE48697 
  DB0185B7 84AD93C1 B9D3E422 3BFB4BB5 7E3D8E8D A77E5437 D2E3D449 3A96E21A 
  04A8A0EA 49830203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 
  301F0603 551D2304 18301680 143D7DB8 142C0B68 87541B1D 89BA1E73 6C9F1A5D 
  23301D06 03551D0E 04160414 3D7DB814 2C0B6887 541B1D89 BA1E736C 9F1A5D23 
  300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 82010100 46A07A32 E2280C3A E3B9446D 
  F5B85064 FE31BB52 D595C449 D2CD15B5 017AD2EC 927F2B2D 3EA3EBF6 CBF61FB4 
  AEC19B3B 66CE8698 ED09EC59 C55A425E 6E7B83F4 190EAC7A 48590422 E2058DC5 
  C1EDA6DA 7C796A48 E77CF05A 0B00E83E D1529DF8 1120E4EF 2BC752A9 90CB7A74 
  DF276DF7 52912C18 4CDCDFC2 E80AF731 F1256DF2 8C529B0E F12842E7 F54D4FA0 
  520B000B EFBBB59E A5CC491D 1D83BA39 754B8232 47AC611A BE740E84 0F8254AA 
  D61B9113 AEF47B99 5721D1F5 63D811B7 0857B4F1 C3312864 632FAF6D 820051ED 
  3FC98B66 507D620E A1B23166 E990B682 FBE08983 752DD87B B116C7BA A2E6D116 
  BA9E0B7C 30DD5694 46126217 920D6AE5 CC2C8474
license boot level network-advantage addon dna-advantage
diagnostic bootup level minimal
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
memory free low-watermark processor 133138
 mode sso
transceiver type all
vlan 101
vlan 701
vlan 801
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-ewlc-control
  description EWLC Control 
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-topology-control
  description Topology control
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sw-forward
  description Sw forwarding, L2 LVX data packets, LOGGING, Transit Traffic
class-map match-any system-cpp-default
  description EWLC Data, Inter FED Traffic 
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sys-data
  description Openflow, Exception, EGR Exception, NFL Sampled Data, RPF Failed
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-punt-webauth
  description Punt Webauth
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2lvx-control
  description L2 LVX control packets
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-forus
  description Forus Address resolution and Forus traffic
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast-end-station
  description MCAST END STATION
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-high-rate-app
  description High Rate Applications 
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast
  description MCAST Data
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2-control
  description L2 control
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dot1x-auth
  description DOT1X Auth
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-data
  description ICMP redirect, ICMP_GEN and BROADCAST
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-stackwise-virt-control
  description Stackwise Virtual OOB
class-map match-any non-client-nrt-class
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-routing-control
  description Routing control and Low Latency
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-protocol-snooping
  description Protocol snooping
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dhcp-snooping
  description DHCP snooping
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-ios-routing
  description L2 control, Topology control, Routing control, Low Latency
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-system-critical
  description System Critical and Gold Pkt
class-map match-any system-cpp-police-ios-feature
  description ICMPGEN,BROADCAST,ICMP,L2LVXCntrl,ProtoSnoop,PuntWebauth,MCASTData,Transit,DOT1XAuth,Swfwd,LOGGING,L2LVXData,ForusTraffic,ForusARP,McastEndStn,Openflow,Exception,EGRExcption,NflSampled,RpfFailed
policy-map system-cpp-policy
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 vrf forwarding Mgmt-vrf
 no ip address
 negotiation auto
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/1
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/2
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/3
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/4
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/5
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/6
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/7
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/8
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/9
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/10
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/11
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/12
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/13
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/14
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/15
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/16
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/17
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/18
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/19
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/20
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/21
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/22
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/23
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/24
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/25
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/26
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/27
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/28
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/29
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/30
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/31
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/32
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/33
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/34
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/35
interface TwoGigabitEthernet1/0/36
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/37
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/38
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/39
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/41
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/42
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/43
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/44
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/45
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/46
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/47
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/48
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/2
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/3
interface GigabitEthernet1/1/4
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/1
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/2
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/3
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/4
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/5
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/6
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/7
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/8
interface FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/1
interface FortyGigabitEthernet1/1/2
interface TwentyFiveGigE1/1/1
interface TwentyFiveGigE1/1/2
interface AppGigabitEthernet1/0/1
interface Vlan1
 no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
 service-policy input system-cpp-policy
line con 0
 stopbits 1
line vty 0 4
 transport input ssh
line vty 5 31
 transport input ssh
 ! If contact email address in call-home is configured as sch-smart-licensing@cisco.com
 ! the email address configured in Cisco Smart License Portal will be used as contact email address to send SCH notifications.
 contact-email-addr sch-smart-licensing@cisco.com
 profile "CiscoTAC-1"
  destination transport-method http

Switch#s dir
Directory of flash:/

327681  drwx             4096  Apr 18 2024 02:52:44 +00:00  .installer
270374  drwx             4096  Apr 18 2024 02:47:52 +00:00  pnp-tech
270372  -rw-                0  Apr 18 2024 02:45:39 +00:00  dope_hist
270356  -rw-            16985  Apr 18 2024 02:45:39 +00:00  rdope_out.txt
270357  -rw-               89  Apr 18 2024 02:45:37 +00:00  rdope.log
270339  -rw-          2097152  Apr 18 2024 02:45:25 +00:00  nvram_config_bkup
270338  -rw-          2097152  Apr 18 2024 02:45:25 +00:00  nvram_config
270349  -rw-          5242880  Apr 18 2024 02:44:37 +00:00  ssd
270354  -rwx             2049  Apr 18 2024 02:44:21 +00:00  svl_ipc.tcl
270353  -rw-           134458  Apr 18 2024 02:44:21 +00:00  memleak.tcl
270352  -rw-              395  Apr 18 2024 02:44:08 +00:00  boothelper.log
368666  drwx             4096  Apr 18 2024 02:44:06 +00:00  dc_profile_dir
270351  -rw-              370  Apr 18 2024 02:43:57 +00:00  bootloader_evt_handle.log
385031  drwx             4096  Sep 11 2023 00:00:17 +00:00  guest-share
270373  drwx             4096  Sep 11 2023 00:00:14 +00:00  pnp-info
344065  drwx             4096  Sep 11 2023 00:00:10 +00:00  .prst_sync
376833  drwx             4096  Sep 10 2023 23:57:32 +00:00  .dbpersist
270361  -rw-              736  Feb 10 2023 15:07:48 +00:00  vlan.dat
475137  drwx             4096  Apr 12 2022 00:37:57 +00:00  Tbot
270371  drwx             4096  Apr 12 2022 00:37:48 +00:00  sys_report
368641  drwx             4096  Apr 12 2022 00:37:48 +00:00  tech_support
344068  drwx             4096  Apr 12 2022 00:37:48 +00:00  gs_script
270370  drwx             4096  Apr 12 2022 00:37:45 +00:00  ss_disc
270369  -rw-              152  Apr 12 2022 00:35:40 +00:00  .fpga_upg_run.log
270366  -rw-             1108  Apr 12 2022 00:35:40 +00:00  .packages.verify.log
270368  -rw-              272  Apr 12 2022 00:30:39 +00:00  mcu_debug.txt
270365  -rw-              664  Apr 12 2022 00:30:38 +00:00  .mb_fpgapackages.log
270367  -rw-             1168  Apr 12 2022 00:30:38 +00:00  fpgahelper.log
270363  -rw-              721  Apr 12 2022 00:29:50 +00:00  preboothelper.log
270362  -rw-              663  Apr 12 2022 00:29:50 +00:00  .bootpackages.verify.log
360449  drwx             4096  Apr 12 2022 00:28:31 +00:00  .rollback_timer
270364  -rw-             7715  Apr 12 2022 00:28:05 +00:00  packages.conf
401410  -rw-             7715  Apr 12 2022 00:23:24 +00:00  cat9k_iosxe.17.03.03.SPA.conf
401421  -rw-         47364227  Apr 12 2022 00:23:24 +00:00  cat9k-rpboot.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401420  -rw-             9220  Apr 12 2022 00:22:31 +00:00  cat9k-wlc.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401419  -rw-         14427140  Apr 12 2022 00:22:31 +00:00  cat9k-webui.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401418  -rw-         28738568  Apr 12 2022 00:22:31 +00:00  cat9k-srdriver.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401417  -rw-         57529348  Apr 12 2022 00:22:31 +00:00  cat9k-sipspa.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401416  -rw-         34792456  Apr 12 2022 00:22:31 +00:00  cat9k-sipbase.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401415  -rw-        595178500  Apr 12 2022 00:22:31 +00:00  cat9k-rpbase.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401414  -rw-             5124  Apr 12 2022 00:22:30 +00:00  cat9k-lni.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401413  -rw-          2262024  Apr 12 2022 00:22:30 +00:00  cat9k-guestshell.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401412  -rw-        104428552  Apr 12 2022 00:22:30 +00:00  cat9k-espbase.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
401411  -rw-         17392652  Apr 12 2022 00:22:30 +00:00  cat9k-cc_srdriver.17.03.03.SPA.pkg
270360  -rw-        901741775  Apr 12 2022 00:18:09 +00:00  cat9k_iosxe.17.03.03.SPA.bin
270359  -rw-           111615  Apr 12 2022 00:15:42 +00:00  pnp-tech-discovery-summary
270358  -rw-               35  Apr 12 2022 00:15:39 +00:00  pnp-tech-time
335873  drwx             4096  Jul 13 2021 19:58:37 +00:00  core
385025  drwx             4096  Jul 13 2021 19:58:17 +00:00  onep
270350  -rw-         41772198  Jul 13 2021 19:50:38 +00:00  cat9k-rpboot.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270348  -rw-             9220  Jul 13 2021 19:50:38 +00:00  cat9k-wlc.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270347  -rw-         12919812  Jul 13 2021 19:50:38 +00:00  cat9k-webui.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270346  -rw-         23258120  Jul 13 2021 19:50:38 +00:00  cat9k-srdriver.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270345  -rw-         60101640  Jul 13 2021 19:50:38 +00:00  cat9k-sipspa.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270344  -rw-         31175688  Jul 13 2021 19:50:38 +00:00  cat9k-sipbase.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270343  -rw-        532116488  Jul 13 2021 19:50:38 +00:00  cat9k-rpbase.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270342  -rw-          1684492  Jul 13 2021 19:50:37 +00:00  cat9k-guestshell.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270341  -rw-         88867848  Jul 13 2021 19:50:37 +00:00  cat9k-espbase.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg
270340  -rw-         14492684  Jul 13 2021 19:50:37 +00:00  cat9k-cc_srdriver.16.12.05b.SPA.pkg

11353194496 bytes total (8122556416 bytes free)
Switch#sh vla

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1    default                          active    Tw1/0/1, Tw1/0/2, Tw1/0/3
                                                Tw1/0/4, Tw1/0/5, Tw1/0/6
                                                Tw1/0/7, Tw1/0/8, Tw1/0/9
                                                Tw1/0/10, Tw1/0/11, Tw1/0/12
                                                Tw1/0/13, Tw1/0/14, Tw1/0/15
                                                Tw1/0/16, Tw1/0/17, Tw1/0/18
                                                Tw1/0/19, Tw1/0/20, Tw1/0/21
                                                Tw1/0/22, Tw1/0/23, Tw1/0/24
                                                Tw1/0/25, Tw1/0/26, Tw1/0/27
                                                Tw1/0/28, Tw1/0/29, Tw1/0/30
                                                Tw1/0/31, Tw1/0/32, Tw1/0/33
                                                Tw1/0/34, Tw1/0/35, Tw1/0/36
                                                Te1/0/37, Te1/0/38, Te1/0/39
                                                Te1/0/40, Te1/0/41, Te1/0/42
                                                Te1/0/43, Te1/0/44, Te1/0/45
                                                Te1/0/46, Te1/0/47, Te1/0/48
101             active    
701            active    
801            active    
1002 fddi-default                     act/unsup 
1003 token-ring-default               act/unsup 
1004 fddinet-default                  act/unsup 
1005 trnet-default                    act/unsup 

VLAN Type  SAID       MTU   Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp  BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2
---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------
1    enet  100001     1500  -      -      -        -    -        0      0   
101  enet  100101     1500  -      -      -        -    -        0      0   
701  enet  100701     1500  -      -      -        -    -        0      0   
801  enet  100801     1500  -      -      -        -    -        0      0   
1002 fddi  101002     1500  -      -      -        -    -        0      0   
1003 tr    101003     1500  -      -      -        -    -        0      0   
1004 fdnet 101004     1500  -      -      -        ieee -        0      0   
1005 trnet 101005     1500  -      -      -        ibm  -        0      0   


Primary Secondary Type              Ports
------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------

Switch#sh swi
Switch#sh switch 
Switch/Stack Mac Address : d0e0.421e.8800 - Local Mac Address
Mac persistency wait time: Indefinite
                                             H/W   Current
Switch#   Role    Mac Address     Priority Version  State 
*1       Active   d0e0.421e.8800     1      V03     Ready                               


■ 保証期間: NC/NRでお願いします。
■ 発送方法: 佐川/ヤマト運輸(運送会社のご指定はできません。)
■ 同梱はできません。

■ 入札前にご確認ください
    * 上記以外のチェックは行なっておりません。その他詳細はすべて未確認です。
    * 電話応対は不可です。取引ナビ及び質問欄でご連絡ください。
    * 多忙な為、リアルタイムの返答はできかねますので余裕をもっての投稿・質問をお願い致します
    * 質問落札後の対応は営業時間(平日9:00~17:00)内になります。
    * 落札物到着後のサポート・使用方法の問合せにはお答えする事は出来ません
    * 当方も別業者さんから譲られたものなので詳しい事情、パスワード及び分解痕跡などの確認することはできません。
    * 連絡事項がある場合、受領後48時間以内に取引ナビでご連絡お願いします。
    * 現状の状態を分かりやすく表記するようにしておりますが、程度の基準相違や表記しきれない部分もあります。神経質な方は入札をご遠慮ください。
    * 中古品につきましては、可能な限り清掃し出品しておりますが、ヨゴレ等が多少残っている場合もあります。予めご了承ください。
    * 中古品につきましては、画像は特別な記載がない限り「現品」です。画像にて状態をご確認ください。
    * ジャンク、現状品、保証なし商品については、いかなる場合(万一のスペック記載違い含む)においても保証・返品・クレーム対象外でお願いします。
    * ジャンク扱い商品については、記載の瑕疵が悪化する、または記載の瑕疵に起因し記載以外の瑕疵が発生する可能性もあります。
    * 落札して頂いた後全く連絡か取れない方か多く、イタズラ入札が多発しております。申し訳ありませんが、新規さまの方のご入札はご遠慮いただいております。ご入札頂きましても削除させていただく場合がありますので、ご了承下さい。
